Guidebook Links

Endnote documents

This website contains PDFs of the audits and other documents mentioned in the Guidebook. A listing of Observations articles and associated documents are also included below.

  1. (Portland 1987) Bureau of Police: Patrol Staffing and Deployment Practices
  2. (GAO) Government Auditing Standards
  3. (Oregon 2012) Improvements Needed to Better Meet Oregon’s Middle-Skill Workforce Needs
  4. Portland 2002) Managing for Results: A Proposal for the City of Portland
  5. (GFOA and NASACT 2010) A Performance Management Framework for State and Local Government
  6. (Portland 2005) Police Investigations: Improvements Needed to Address Relatively Low Clearance Rates
  7. (Multnomah County 1998) Home Visiting: Focus Resources for Healthier Families
  8. (Oregon 2015) Department of Fish and Wildlife: Financial Condition Review
  9. (Oregon 2016) Oregon’s Department of Fish and Wildlife Needs a Comprehensive Management Strategy to Prioritize Workload and Plan for the Future
  10. (GAO 2019) Assessing Data Reliability
  11. (Oregon 2014) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: High Expectations, Stronger Partnerships, and Better Data Could Help More Parents Find Work
  12. (Oregon 2015) Education Audits Capstone Report: Achieving Oregon’s Education Goals for All Students
  13. (Portland 2012) Portland Police Bureau Learning: Improvements Needed to Strengthen Existing Processes
  14. (Oregon 2014) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: High Expectations, Stronger Partnerships, and Better Data Could Help More Parents Find Work
  15. (Multnomah County 1995) County Services: Help Citizens Find Their Way
  16. (Oregon 2012) Boards and Commissions: Common Risks, Needed Oversight, and Steps to Manage Them
  17. Oregon 2012) Oregon Travel Experience: Improve Accountability
  18. (Oregon 2010) New Director Should Establish Better Accountability and Stewardship at the Oregon State Marine Board
  19. (Oregon 2010) Willamette Educations District Needs to Be Accountable
  20. (Oregon 2011) Oregon Commission for the Blind: Audit Recommendations Follow-up
  21. (Oregon 2010) Save on Vocational Rehabilitation Costs to Serve More Clients
  22. (Multnomah County 1993) Alcohol and Drug Treatment: Need for a Managed System
  23. (Multnomah County 1994) Adult foster homes: Stronger regulation needed
  24. (Portland 1988) Street Maintenance: Opportunities to Improve Quality and Lower Costs
  25. (Portland 2000) Service Efforts and Accomplishments 1999-2000
  26. (Portland 2006) Street Paving: City Work Not Meeting Pavement Quality Standards
  27. (Multnomah County 1994) Library Department: Open Branches More Hours
  28. (Oregon 2015) Final Director’s Note, December 2015

Observations documents

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